The poster series for the Berlinale 2008 was conceived by graphic designer Antonia Neubacher. The main poster is complemented by individual variations for the sections Panorama, Forum, Generation, Perspektive Deutsches Kino, Retrospective and Berlinale Shorts as well as for the Berlinale Talent Campus and the European Film Market.
Main poster / Competition
Antonia Neubacher about her artwork for the Berlinale 2008: “In graphic terms, the poster series is a reduced variation of the necessary and the apparently random. One can see the series as a programmatic statement, in which the Berlinale Bear as a visual representative of the festival is in constant motion”.
As of January 22, the posters will be a visible mark in Berlin's cityscape. Around Potsdamer Platz, several mega posters will announce the upcoming Berlinale.
Perspektive Deutsches Kino
International Forum of New Cinema
Berlinale Talent Campus
European Film Market (EFM) &
Berlinale Co-Production Market