A pata: To cover a long distance without using a vehicle; that is to say, by foot.
Achuntar: To say the precise thing at a given time, “to hit the nail on the head”.
Al lote: Disorderly, without rules.
Al tiro: Immediately, right now.
Apechugar: To confront problems head on and assume responsibility.
Apitutado: Someone well connected and that gains benefits from their connections.
Apretar cachete: To get away or escape.
Arrugar: To back out of something.
Avispado: Very agile or intelligent.
Bacán: Excellent, cool, spectacular.
Barsa: Fresh, without shame.
Buena leche: A decent and honest person with good intentions.
Bronca: Anger or disgust.
Cabra/o: A teenager or young kid.
Cabritas: Popcorn.
Cachar:. “To catch” or “to get” something, meaning that you are understand of comprehend it.
Cahuín:. Gossip that is hurtful and instigates trouble.
Choro: Someone who thinks they are really tough. Also means something really great or cool.
Chorearse: To get mad or angry.
Dar pelota: To pay attention to someone.
Descueve: Excellent or spectatular.
Destartalado: Disorganized, a mess.
Echar la foca: To scold someone.
Echarse la yegua:. A state of relaxation after doing an activity.
Empelotado: Mad, annoyed, fed-up.
Empinar (el codo): To drink alcoholic beverages.
Encachado: A way to refer to something that is top notch or really great.
Engrupir: To flirt with or hit on someone. Can also mean to lie or deceive.
Enrollado:. Very involved or complicated.
Fiambre: Stinking or rotten.
Fome: Boring, without any redeeming qualities.
Fonda: A place where independence holidays are celebrated.
Gallo/a: A way or referring to a young adult. Similar to using the word “guy”.
Gil: An idiot.
Goma: A person who works hard for very little pay and gets no recognition.
Gorrear: To cheat on your significant other, to be unfaithful.
Guacho:. A child that is not recognized by its father, an orphan.
Guanaco: A police vehicle that shorts water to maintain order.
Guata: A belly or gut.
Hachazo:. An unpleasant morning caused by drinking alcohol in excess the previous day.
Hallulla: A type of bread.
Hinchar: To annoy someone, to be very persistent.
Huaso: A chilean from the farm or country.
Huevón: It is used to label someone as idiotic or stupid; however, it can also be used to refer to someone as a friend. It has many derivations.
Inflar (to someone): To pay attention to someone or to take into account.
Irse al chancho: To exceed the limits or abuse.
Jetón: An idiot or fool.
Jote: Someone that is always on the prowl for women.
Julepe: Fear.
Kilterry: A dog that is not a pure breed, a mut.
La firme: The truth or reality.
Lata: Something boring or lousy.
Leseras: Rediculous and meaningless things.
Liz Taylor: Ready
Lolo(a): A teenage boy.
Macanuda: Excellent, awesome.
Maceteado: Robust or hefty.
Machucado: Beaten up, poorly treated.
Micro: The public buses in Santiago.
Mina: A woman, often used to refer to very attractive women.
Mino: A man, often used to refer to a very attractive man.
Mocha: A fight.
Ene: A lot, a large amount.
Nanai: Affection that you show towards someone.
Ni ahí: It doesn’t even matter.
Ojo: Attention!
Ojo al charqui: Pay attention, be alert.
Onda: A vibe, negative or positive energy.
Paleta: A good friend, someone with a very good disposition.
Papaya: Easy.
Paracaidista: (someone who parachutes) Used to refer to someone who goes to a party or event without being invited.
Pasar piola: Something that goes by unnoticed or without drawing a lot of attention.
Patas negras: A lover.
Pega: Your job or occupation.
Pituto: A good contact or connection. Also a way to call freelance work that is not official work.
Poh: A derivative of the word pues, it is added to the end of sentences or phrases to add emphasis, but does not have a true meaning.
Pololeo: A formal dating relationship.
Queque: Used to refer to someone's backside.
Quiubo: "What happened?"
Rasca: Bad quality, not very refined. Tacky or vulgar.
Rayado: Crazy, extravagante.
Sacar la cresta: To beat someone up.
Sapear: To eavesdrop.
Socio: Pal, friend.
Tata: Grandfather.
Tiqui-taca: A way to say that everything is working perfectly.
Tocar el violín: To be the third wheel.
Tuto (hacer): To sleep. Tener tuto, to be tired.
Último: The worst, horrible.
Vaca (hacer una): When everyone chips in their share to pay for something.
Vender la pomada: Someone who is very good at selling goods or ideas.
Viejo Verde: An older man that flirts with women significantly younger than him.
Virarse: To leave.
Yapa: A freebee or free gift.
Yunta: Best friend, pal.
Zombi (andar como): To be very tired and out of it.